There are many kinds of materials which used to make this batik like : silk and cotton. It also have many motif such as : jaka tinggir motif and sangiran motif. If you dislike to buy the material you can buy the cloths.
Widya Kusuma Batik have distributed in many islands and countries, like: Malaysia, Singapore, Africa, Japan and almost of Indonesia islands. We will offer you to learn about batik in the central of this batik in Pungsari, Plupuh-Sragen. We offer you to get new experience, and nice vacation.
Pungsari village is locate about 10 minutes from Sangiran museum and we will give you unforgettable moment to see all of the batik processing and try to make it by your self.
Interested???? Join us
WIDYA KUSUMA BATIK ( 08122630374 )
Pungsari, Plupuh, Sragen
A. Processing
B. Product Material :
C. Clothes